Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get the prices?

Right now, we get the prices manually from the various sites. We hope to switch over to pulling them automatically from the respective APIs if we're given access to them.

How often is this site updated?

Roughly daily. If we get access to the APIs, we'll be able to update more frequently.

Why doesn't a particular product appear on your site?

For some products, we're simply unaware of them. For others, it might be because we hand curate the list of items, filtering some out because of poor reviews of the seller, etc. If there's a product that you strongly feel should be on the site, please feel free to email us!

What about shipping?

We try to let you know if shipping is free, available via Amazon Prime, or not included in the price. It would be too complicated to implement shipping calculations here. We're just trying to provide a useful - but simple! - price comparison service.

Do you collect any data from visitors?

We use Google Analytics to measure how well our site helps visitors. All information is collected on an aggregate, non-personally-identifiable basis. See our privacy policy for more details.

Is this an ad?

Our primary purpose is to help users find the lowest prices for diapers that they can, not to advertise any particular product. We're certainly not striking it rich here. That said, we need to keep the servers running and the lights on. To do that, we participate in various affiliate marketing programs that might give us a small commission for any sales that result from users clicking on our links.

Amazon affiliate program

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of the product. CERTAIN CONTENT THAT APPEARS ON THIS SITE COMES FROM AMAZON SERVICES LLC. THIS CONTENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR REMOVAL AT ANY TIME.

Additional information

Please feel free to email us with any further questions.
